Cyber Brain discover new atlantis, the cyberbrain further knkowledge psicosociopedagogia, complessit� e olismo scienza, filosofia ed altro Demetrio Errigo's Curriculum Demetrio Errigo's Curriculum Demetrio Errigo's Curriculum

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These works (in Italian language) are aimed at exploring the techno-ethics of human interactions with adaptive and cognitive systems developed in the framework of Robotics, Bionics, and Artificial Intelligence.

These interactions notably include:
- Human-robot non-invasive interactions, involving autonomous robots which inhabit human environments;
- Human-machine invasive interactions, involving bionic systems for restoring or enhancing human functionalities;
- Human-softbot interactions, involving AI systems for information access and communication

Roboethics, with related areas of applied ethics, concerns:
- Preservation and promotion of human freedom, rights, and identity;
- Fair access to adaptive machinery resources;
- Scientific method and techno-ethical policies;
- Precautionary principles in human-machine interactions;
- Responsibilities for cooperative human-machine deliberation and action;
- Machine autonomy and accountability;
- Individual and societal impact of human-machine cognitive and affective bonds;
- Intercultural aspects of robot development, design, and use.


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